Neem tree plantations-a 'Goldmine of tomorrow'.

by Dhananjayan

Dear Executives

Please consider investing in 'Neem tree plantations',Brazil,South America.

Forwarded message by Mr.Dhananjayan,Neem agro consultant,Salem,Tamil nadu,India

Dear Dhananjayan

Unique Opportunity

As you know we first came across Neem about 4 years ago, in our search for an alternative solution to the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers on our coconut plantations in Brazil. We needed a natural alternative for two reasons:

1) We felt that we could not, in good conscience, claim to be a socially responsible, ethical and an environmentally conscious company and then use chemical pesticides that are, not only, extremely harmful to humans but also threaten the sustainability of agriculture.

2) It is our belief that in order to future proof an agriculture company, it must be natural, non-harmful and restorative to people and the environment; as the consumer is becoming ever more aware and demanding of peak practice. As Sir Richard Branson put it “In the future, if you do not do GOOD business, you will do NO business at all”.

Neem has the potential to solve some of the most pressing global challenges, we face today, within the sphere of agriculture, healthcare and the environment. We believe that for those that cultivate the neem industry, both moral satisfaction and financial profits will be gained.

Our Mission:

To Create the world’s first fully vertically integrated neem business across multiple sectors: agricultural plantations; processing and biotech facilities; retail crop care and beauty & personal care (BPC) businesses.

Ahead of the curve opportunity to catalyze a revolutionary transformation in agriculture and BPC, while maximizing returns in a sustainable and socially responsible manner.

As you are aware we ceased selling to smaller individual investors some time ago and now focus exclusively on Ultra High Net Worth and Institutional Investors.

The reason for contacting you today is simply because we have received numerous enquiries from our original clients that have a desire to expand their neem land holdings with us, now that they can see tangible results in our implementation.

We have faced many challenges to our project, some expected and others not, but we are extremely pleased and proud to be the type of company that has always found a way to accomplish our goals. We put this down to bright minds, creative problem solving, and downright stubborn tenacity above all else!

We are pleased to illustrate below, how far we have come:

The next stages of our project consist of a total $120M capital raise to bring our entire project to a conclusion. Before we embark on this next phase, we would like to offer one final opportunity for interested parties to purchase lots within our current project.

Minimum Investment 130K USD
Asset backed by land ownership
Unique opportunity to invest in the neem tree
Last opportunity for budgets under $1M

If you would like further details, please do let us know at your very earliest convenience as we anticipate significant interest owing to the attractiveness of the proposition and it being the last opportunity for many.

Yours sincerely,
The Unique Team
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