Urgent Funding needed for 4 Projects

by Dr Luuk van Breda

The following are the 4 Projects:

1) New technology for worldwide delivering, HQ Singapore, direct negotiation with client USD 12 million
2) Hydro Plant Latvia,Direct access to client Euros 220 million
3) Expansion for Projects in Security, clients already on board, USD 30 million, direct tome as Board member
4) Education, pupils already signed up, needed for extra property, GBP 28 million.

All the above were in the hands of other Funders, however they are unable to finalise.

All these Projects have the following in common, people who ask for money upfront should not reply, the clients will work through Escrow, Guaranteed Wire Transfer or simultaneous transfer.

I look forward to urgent responses.
Have other Projects for interested parties from Funding and/or Partial Investment.

With kind regards

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